It’s been a long time since I posted anything here, so long I almost don’t know where to start. Three years nearly, my last post being back in July 2019 about Miah gaining her Whippet Club Racing Champion title.
I should probably start at October of the same year, when my mother passed away. Mum was poorly throughout 2019, having had three respiratory failures, bouncing in and out of ICU from March onwards and then what we thought was another respiratory arrest in October that she didn’t survive. We were told later that she had actually had a cardiac arrest due to an enlarged heart, caused by her horrendous blood pressure. She took her medication religiously but it never came down to a safe level.
We moved into mum and dad’s bungalow after she died, looking after her two beloved whippets, 12 yr old litter sisters and aunties of our Miah. The house was put on the market by mum and we had to sell, so after putting a pause on it until the new year it went back up in January of 2020. I won’t bore you with the details but the last 2.5 years trying to sell the house has been a drain both emotionally and financially. All set within the turbulence that was Covid-19. Finally, after four collapsed sales which cost us around £10-£14k in fees, loans and other assorted nightmares, we handed over the keys to the estate agent and walked away for good. We are currently holiday let hopping (more on that in another post) and I am typing this from a lovely B&B in Dalbeattie, Dumfries and Galloway. We’re due back in South Ayrshire tomorrow. This too has been somewhat exhausting.
Before I go any further into where we are now, there is the matter of Nova to cover. Anyone that reads this blog (probably no-one, hah!) may have seen the ‘Nova’ tab in the top menu. I’ll cover Nova and the trauma of bringing her into the world in another post. She will be 2 in October, a week after her great aunties 15th birthdays. Yes, they are still with us and we love them dearly. As does Nova.