Run, Miah, Run

I love seeing photos of Miah running. A whippet in full extension is a wonderful thing to behold. I can’t honestly say that I enjoy watching her racing, as I always stand at the end of the track feeling sick; worried that she might get injured. But once the day is over and we get a chance to see any photos of the racing, there’s no denying the delight at seeing a whippet doing what it loves the most

The last two weeks have seen Miah running in two open events – The Easter Charity Open and the NPWRA (National Pedigree Whippet Racing Association) championships; both held at her current home club at Andover. She’s really come on this year, running against some top class dogs and having to fight every inch of the way up the track. She won her heat and semi and made it to the final at the open, and came 2nd in her heat and semi to make it to the final at the champs.

I’ve been meaning to post about my feelings about whippet racing in general, but this is not the place to do that. I just wanted to put down how absurdly proud of her I am. But then I always have been. This Sunday it’s the Whippet Club Racing Association Championships, and it’ll be interesting to see how she does there. So far she has made the final almost every time, but not been placed higher than third so far.

whippet race
Image copyright Lorraine Fitzgerald

You can read more about whippet racing on the WCRA section of the Whippet Club website. I will be posting my thoughts on it sometime in the future.

Whippet sleeping
aaaaanndddd….. relax

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