Ooh Stats!

Diabetes Chart 1

Today marks a month since I was diagnosed type 2 diabetic. Generally speaking, I’m pretty pleased with my progress on the glucose front. From a starting point of 24.8mmol/L I’m down to bouncing between 4.5mmol/L and 7mmol/L right now.

Diabetes chart legend

The chart is a bit tiny. Sorry!

My eyesight is still up the wazoo, but my distance vision is slowly going back to it’s original, fairly fuzzy state. I am really not loving the excruciatingly bad reading vision, but my optician thinks this is permanent and that my high blood sugar had been keeping it artificially at bay. That’s a bit of a blow, to say the least.

The above chart comes from the quite useful Diabetes UK app, which I use in conjunction with Noom to track calories and (since this week) the Value Diary app to track Carbs.

The Metformin seems to be helping, and although I’m not losing much weight at the moment I’m pretty sure my changes in diet are contributing a fair bit as well.

Onwards and Sideways!

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