Character Commissions

This post has been ported over from the original Ninja Beaver website

Some time back, I realised that I couldn’t play Guild Wars as much as I used to due to work commitments, so I decided to offer to do portraits of other people’s characters in exchange for ingame goodies such as ecto, plat or Z-keys. If that is meaningless to you, you’re probably on the wrong page.

However, as time went on I found a few things.

Not everyone is as honest as me, and some people who I uploaded completed works for, downloaded them and I never heard from them again. In one case the players name didn’t even exist when I tried to get in touch ingame. Yes, I am probably a fool for taking people at face value, but it’s a game, not real life. Chasing clients is not something I plan to expend any energy on in a game.

Time, or lack of it. I got married, had a honeymoon and came back to a pile of work that was so backed up I had to disappear for a while, but I made it back and did a couple more.

Life gets in the way. In recent years we have had to cope with many things: redundancy, a new business and family illness. Obviously not in order of importance..

I don’t really play Guild Wars anymore.

Again… time. I just don’t have the time to do work that doesn’t pull in income or expand the business.

So right now, I am not doing commissions. If that changes I will post in the blog and/or change this page. In the meantime, if you have followed this link from the contact page to see what it’s about and still want a commission.. please don’t email me, as the answer will still be “no” I’m afraid.


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